Degree Programs
Students at the Galveston campus of Texas A&M University will invariably tell you that the best thing about TAMUG is the small school environment – classes are small and students know their professors and classmates. TAMUG is an ocean-oriented campus offering academic degrees, research, continuing education and public service in sciences, engineering, business, transportation and liberal arts. Because TAMUG is a branch campus of Texas A&M University in College Station, students receive their degrees, and the Aggie Ring, from Texas A&M University. Texas A&M University at Galveston also includes the Texas A&M Maritime Academy, one of six state maritime training academies in the United States and the only one located on the Gulf of Mexico.

Undergraduate Degree Programs
- Marine Biology - biological sciences with ocean emphasis
- Marine Fisheries – aquaculture and mariculture
- Marine Fisheries – aquaculture and mariculture
- Marine Sciences - tracks in chemical, geological, physical marine sciences
- Marine Engineering Technology – electro/mechanical engineering and ship engine operations
- Maritime Transportation – ship operations taught at the Texas A&M Maritime Academy
- Maritime Business Administration – international maritime-related business administration, trade and port operations
- Foundational Sciences – three minors are offered, in chemistry and mathematics. There are also courses offered in physics and statistics. The department specializes in preparing students for a successful future by giving them the solid scientific base required for most majors provided on campus.
- Oceans and One Health: tracks in medical, dental or veterinary school, as well as some allied health professions such as physician assistant, physical therapy or clinical laboratory science.
- Oceans and One Health: tracks in medical, dental or veterinary school, as well as some allied health professions such as physician assistant, physical therapy or clinical laboratory science.
- Maritime Studies: Interdisciplinary degree addressing human and cultural aspects of coastal issues, such as recreation and tourism, energy, trade policy and administration, history and conservation, and the effects of rising sea levels on coastal communities. Students study past and present maritime cultural adaptations, the varied ways that humans use and impact coastal and maritime environments, and the literary expression of mankind’s experience with the sea. The curriculum leading to a degree in Maritime Studies provides students with the skills needed to compete strongly in a diverse marketplace and an opportunity to tailor the degree to fit their individual career goals. It is also an excellent springboard for the pursuit of a wide variety of graduate studies, including law school and public service.
- UNIVERSITY STUDIES, Concentration in Tourism & Coastal Community Development: This concentration transforms TAMUG students into a new class of professionals with the knowledge and skills to help coastal communities progress, while maintaining sound ecological and environmental practices. TCC majors graduate from TAMUG with the BA or BS degree, and with the capability to guide industry and communities toward a path that is both sustainable and economically beneficial.
- US. Coast Guard License Programs – The Galveston Campus is home to the Texas A&M Maritime Academy, the Gulf Coast's only state maritime academy. Students can select one of several USCG license-designated degrees to pursue alongside their third mate (deck) or third assistant engineer (engineer) license:
- B.S. in Marine Biology;
- B.S. in Marine Science;
- B.S. in Marine Engineering Technology;
- B.S. in Marine Transportation; and
- All graduate programs
Starting fall 2025, Texas A&M University is offering in-state tuition for all incoming U.S. undergraduate students who select one of these designated license degree programs offered at its Galveston Campus. Contact our admissions counselors for more information.
- Engineering at Galveston – The Texas A&M University College of Engineering has expanded its programs to the Galveston campus. The Engineering at Galveston program provides students an opportunity to begin their engineering studies on the Texas A&M Galveston campus as part of the college. The Engineering at Galveston program allows students the opportunity to learn about the different engineering majors prior to seeking entry into a degree-granting engineering major at Texas A&M College Station or a four-year program available on the Texas A&M Galveston campus. These include:
- Computer Science – prepare for engineering work in the computer science sector.
- Interdisciplinary Engineering – this Engineering for Marine Environments track will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of geohazards that exist beneath the surface.
- Ocean Engineering – study the design of systems that operate in the ocean, from oil rigs to subsea pipelines and seawalls.
To learn more about the Engineering at Galveston program, click here.
Graduate Degree Programs
- Marine Biology - Masters (thesis and non-thesis) and Ph.D.
- Master of Marine Resources Management (MARM)
- Master of Maritime Administration and Logistics (MMAL)
- Ph.D. program in Marine and Coastal Management and Science (MCMS)
Students in any of TAMUG's graduate programs may also choose to join the Texas A&M Maritime Academy if they wish to work toward licensing as a Third Mate Unlimited Oceans and Unlimited Tonnage in the U.S. Merchant Marine. Other cooperative graduate degree programs, at both the master and doctorate levels, are in place with the departments of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Oceanography and Biology at Texas A&M University in College Station.