MART/MARE 484 - Sea Service Only

- MART/MARE 484 Application
- MART/MARE 484 Process (PDF)
Shipping Documents
- Cadet Shipping Handbook
- Assumption of Risk
- Emergency Contact Form
- Health Records Release
- Student Information Sheet
- Terms of Shipping
Emergency Contact
- In addition to the contacts provided for the Texas A&M Maritime Academy, other campus resources are:
- TAMUG Police Department (409) 740-4545
- Corps Office (409) 740-4866
- Counseling (409) 740-4736
- RADM. Michael Fossum (409) 740-4408
For questions, contact:
MART/MARE 484 courses are another option for cadets to gain valuable maritime experience as interns aboard commercial vessels and accrue sea days toward their license. These zero-cost, zero-credit internships enable cadets to take advantage of opportunities outside of our normal academic curriculum requirements and are offered during various breaks in the academic calendar. Cadets will be required to register prior to the breaks in their schedule, such as during Winter or Spring Break, or in the summer when not in training status on one of our long sea terms. These opportunities may be found through your personal contacts or leads from our persons on TAMUG campus.
The application process is streamlined and requires a verification process. The requirements are as follows:
- Cadet must be in good standing with the university.
- TAMMA must ensure the vessel meets Coast Guard requirements for creditable cadet training. Cadet must submit the name of the company, name of vessel, and vessel tonnage/HP on which they intend to serve. If approved, TAMMA will submit request for approval of MART/MARE Academic Department Head.
- The Department Head will determine if the cadet meets the pre-requisites for this course and vessel and will assign a Short Sea Day project. The purpose of this project is to ensure you are maximizing your education and training.
- When approved by the respective Department Head, cadets will be sent a package consisting of the following documents:
- Waiver/Assumption of Risk
- Emergency Contact form
- Health Records release
- Terms of Employment (if applicable)
- Information sheet
- Cadets may not join their ship until they have filled out and returned these documents to TAMMA.
- In addition, each company may have requirements related to the completion of assessments that are tied to academics.
Once these steps are completed, the cadet will be fully registered in corresponding MART/MARE 484. There is no cost to the cadet and there are no academic credits earned. Some cost may be incurred to travel to/from vessel, room, board, etc.
After the cadet’s internship is complete, the cadet must submit their academic project to their corresponding Academic Department Head and their original discharge papers to the TAMMA Sea Service Coordinator (Courtney Geiger) to be recorded in each cadet’s official sea service record.
You must be approved and registered in this course before you begin your voyage to earn sea service towards the USCG required 360 days for License Option Program.
NOTE 1: These MART/MARE 484 courses are for sea days only and do not fulfill the requirements for any other 200, 300, 350, 400-level course or any other academic course.
NOTE 2: Cadets must have completed all prerequisites for MART 200/MARE 200 and sailed on their MART 200/MARE 200 cruises prior to being approved for MART 484.