Frequently Asked Questions    

May 1, 2024

The information provided in the FAQs below is based on currently available information. It is subject to change with little notice due to factors beyond the control of the Texas A&M Maritime Academy.

Don't see your question? Submit it to academy staff today!

Updates related to the Summer Sea Term are released on Thursdays when applicable. Follow the Texas A&M Maritime Academy at @texasmaritime for update notifications.


What are the required documents for pre-embarkation processing?
What are the required documents for pre-embarkation processing?

Required documents for pre-embarkation are:

  • TWIC
  • Merchant Mariner Credential
  • Medical Certificate
  • Passport
  • Student ID Card
Where do cadets purchase their overalls?
Where do cadets purchase their overalls?

The Texas A&M University at Galveston Campus Bookstore.

1001 Texas Clipper Rd.
Galveston, Texas 77554

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Based on feedback from cadets, we recommend purchasing two pairs.

My syllabus contains items not listed under seabag requirements. Do I still need to have these items?
My syllabus contains items not listed under seabag requirements. Do I still need to have these items?

Yes. The syllabus lists items required for a specific class that all cadets may not be taking. The seabag is a listing of items all cadets are required to have.

Where can cadets on Summer Sea Term store their on-campus belongings?
Where can cadets on Summer Sea Term store their on-campus belongings?

Personal belongings are not able to be stored on campus. Campus residence halls are used by various summer camps and programs throughout the summer and our staff performs extensive maintenance and cleaning during breaks in use. Cadets often take their belongings home or use off-campus storage facilities in Galveston or the surrounding areas.

Is on-campus parking available for students while on sea term?
Is on-campus parking available for students while on sea term?

Summer Sea Term 2025 parking information coming soon

When will cadets check-in for sea term?
When will cadets check-in for sea term?

Check-in date and location will be announced at a later time. All cadets should be prepared for check-in when it is announced. You must arrive prepared to board the vessel during that time. Cadets will be moving directly onto the ship.

To check-in, all Texas A&M Maritime Academy cadets must be registered for MART/MARE courses 200, 300 or 400. This information will be verified. Unregistered cadets will not be allowed to check in. Check-in will also include sea bag inspections, credential verification, and medical checks by ship doctors. 

Underway Section


Will civilians be able to contact cadets aboard the ship via mail or letters?
Will civilians be able to contact cadets aboard the ship via mail or letters?

No mail or packages will be accepted by the Maritime Academy for delivery to the ship during Summer Sea Term.

How can cadets be contacted in case of an emergency?
How can cadets be contacted in case of an emergency?

Contact the Texas A&M-Galveston Campus Police Department in the event of an emergency. Campus police will notify the ship’s designated shore-side contact who will coordinate communication with the ship. Please keep in mind that communication will take time due to technical limitations while underway.

 Campus Police:
Front Office:
(409) 740-4545
Officer on duty/after hours/weekends/holidays:
(409) 740-4545 or cell phone: 409-771-5185

How are liberty allowances handled?
How are liberty allowances handled?

Liberty allowances are determined at the sole discretion of the captain. 

Liberty curfews are as follows:

  • MART/MARE 200: 2300hrs 
  • MART/MARE 300: 2330hrs
  • MART/MARE 400: 2400hrs 
Special liberty requests for extenuating circumstances must be made through the Commandant's Office.

Emergencies Section


How do I report or submit a complaint while underway?
How do I report or submit a complaint while underway?

General Concerns/Complaints:
Concerns should be made in writing to the Captain aboard the ship.


Students should address concerns or complaints related to academics with their Department Head. Assistance from the ship counselor is available to aid in helping students determine the best way to approach their Department Head with a concern.

Civil Rights and Title IX Investigations:

We are committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory learning environment on campus and while at-sea. Civil Rights and Title IX Investigations reports or complaints may be made to any university official while underway.  All A&M-Galveston faculty and staff are required to promptly report all known information about the incident to:

Jennifer Smith
Assistant Vice President and Title IX Officer
Tel: 979.458.8167

TAMMA SASH Prevention & Response SASHPR aboard Training Ship (EMBARC Compliant)

TS SASHPR Appendix

All Other:

Concerns or issues not specifically identified above may be addressed to any university administrator and/or the counselor.

There was an incident aboard the ship. How will the safety and security of cadets and staff be communicated?
There was an incident aboard the ship. How will the safety and security of cadets and staff be communicated?

In the event of an incident aboard the ship, the university will provide information through the SST website and Texas A&M Maritime Academy social media channels. If individual cadets are affected the university will contact the students’ emergency contact via information provided in the Howdy Portal. Expanded communication beyond the means listed above will be determined by the nature of the incident.

There is bad weather forecasted along the ship route. What are the ship's protocols and where can I find more information?
There is bad weather forecasted along the ship route. What are the ship's protocols and where can I find more information?

The ship is fully connected to the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration and international weather sources. While the route most often can be adjusted to avoid inclement weather, the ship is fully equipped to tackle the roughest weather conditions. Any weather deviations are at the sole discretion of the Captain in consultation with shore-side meteorologists and the campus.

How do cadets handle medical emergencies?
How do cadets handle medical emergencies?

A limited-capability hospital facility with a doctor is aboard. Should a person aboard need extended care off-board they will be transported to the nearest shore-side facility and accompanied through the duration of their care by a university staff member.

What is the Medical History Form for?
What is the Medical History Form for?
Cadets should submit a Medical History Form annually. This form will be kept in the ship's hospital for reference in case a cadet is unable to provide medical information in case of an emergency. All information is confidential per FERPA or HIPAA and will only be disclosed as laws permit.

Ports Section


What are the ports of call this year?
What are the ports of call this year?

May 5 - Maine Maritime Academy travel to Galveston, TX and Check-in TS Kennedy

May 10 - Texas A&M Maritime Academy Cadet Check-in TS Kennedy

May 18 - Depart Galveston, TX

May 28 - Arrive at New York City, NY

June 1 - Depart New York City, NY

June 11 - Arrive at Belfast, IE

June 15 - Depart Belfast, IE

June 28 - Arrive at Halifax, NS

July 2 - Depart Halifax, NS

July 14 - Arrive in Portland, ME

July 16 - Depart Portland, ME

July 23 - Arrive in Houston, TX

July 24 - Depart Houston, TX for Galveston, TX

July 26 - SST 2025 ends in Galveston, TX

While we are confident in our scheduled stops, there is always a possibility that these locations will change due to variables beyond the control of Texas A&M University at Galveston. Plan to be flexible. 

Dining Sections

Dining Services    

What meals will be served during SST?
What meals will be served during SST?

Traditional ship-board meal service will be served including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight rations. Menus have been developed in conjunction with the food service sea term committee and utilizing menu survey responses.

How are food allergies and/or dietary restrictions being handled?
How are food allergies and/or dietary restrictions being handled?

Please notify Texas A&M-Galveston Dining Services at 409.740.4590 prior to SST to allow ample time to modify dining options if necessary.

End of Sea Term Section

End of Sea Term    

When will cadets have access to on-campus housing?
When will cadets have access to on-campus housing?

Cadets will follow all traditional move-in protocols and processes. For questions regarding move-in, please contact Campus Living & Learning.

Campus Living & Learning
Office Location:
Pacific Residence Hall
Bldg. 3031, Office Suite 5110
Phone: 409.740.4445

Will cadets be starting the fall semester late?
Will cadets be starting the fall semester late?


Is there an extended add/drop date for cadets on cruise?
Is there an extended add/drop date for cadets on cruise?

No. Based on the current schedule the Fall semester will not be impacted.

Cost Section

Cost & Financial Aid    

What is the cost of summer sea term?
What is the cost of summer sea term?

Cost for Summer Sea Term 2025 Coming Soon

Cost for Summer Sea Term 2024:
In-State: $12,756.58
Out-of-State: $13,956.58

When will bills be available and what are the due dates?
When will bills be available and what are the due dates?

Summer Sea Term 2025 billing information coming soon

Summer Sea Term 2024 Billing Information: 
Bills will be available to view on May 24. It is recommended students add an authorized user to view their account and act on their behalf while they are on summer sea term.

Due Dates
Installment Plans: May 24 and June 24
Single Payment: May 24

Inquiries regarding tuition and fee billing can be sent to

What kind of financial aid is available for summer sea term?
What kind of financial aid is available for summer sea term?
Federal & state grants, federal direct loans, outside scholarships and alternative or private loans.
How do I utilize Military Education Benefits for summer sea term?
How do I utilize Military Education Benefits for summer sea term?
If you plan to utilize Military Education Benefits, you must request or renew your benefit under the Status tab of the Portal for the correct aid year.
How many hours should I be enrolled in for financial aid?
How many hours should I be enrolled in for financial aid?
Most financial aid programs require half-time enrollment, 6 hours for undergraduates and 3 hours for graduates.
When will financial aid be accepted, processed and dispersed?
When will financial aid be accepted, processed and dispersed?

Summer Sea Term 2025 Financial Aid Processing coming soon 

Summer Sea Term 2024 Financial Aid Processing:
Incomplete Requirements are triggered in the status tab once you are registered for Summer Sea Term 2024. Accepted/processed aid will begin disbursing against your bill 10 days prior to the Summer Sea Term start date. Ensure your aid is ready to go prior to boarding the ship.